ACT Emergency Services Agency Commissioner Dominic Lane has declared a Total Fire Ban for the whole of the ACT under Section 114 of the Emergencies Act 2004 from:
12:00am Tuesday 16 December, 2014 to 11:59pm Tuesday 16 December, 2014.
The Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting hot and north westerly winds tomorrow with a predicted temperature of 34 degrees.
The Forecast Fire Danger Rating (FDR) for tomorrow is predicted to be SEVERE.
If a fire starts at the forecast fire danger level of SEVERE it may be uncontrollable and move quickly. Flames may be higher than roof tops.
Expect embers to be blown around. Spot fires may occur up to 4 km ahead of the main fire.
There is a chance people in the path of a fire may be injured or die. Some homes and businesses may be destroyed.
Leaving early is the safest option for your survival.
Well prepared and actively defended houses can offer safety during a fire.
The ESA advises you to make sure you know where you will get more information and monitor the situation for any changes. You can do this through local ACT media outlets, the ESA website www.esa.act.gov.au ,the ESA Twitter and Facebook accounts or by calling Canberra Connect on 13 22 81.
Territory and Municipal Services advises that due to the total fire ban declaration, the following nature reserves and roads will be closed:
Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, selected roads within Namadgi National Park including Apollo Road, Orroral Road, Old Mill Road, Warks Road, Mount Franklin Road and the Corin Dam Road, Googong Foreshores, Kowen Forest, Lower Molonglo River Corridor, Molonglo Gorge Nature Reserve, Mulligans Flat Woodlands Sanctuary and the Centenary Trail between Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve and Hall. The Boboyan Road and Brindabella Road remain open to through traffic.
The Tidbinbilla and Namadgi Visitors Centres will remain open.
Swimming areas at the Cotter and along the Murrumbidgee River such as Kambah Pool, Pine Island Point Hut and Uriarra Crossing will remain open.
Electric BBQs in Parks and Reserves including the National Arboretum Canberra and in Canberra’s urban parks will be available, however all gas barbeques will be turned off.
If a fire starts during the Total Fire Ban declaration period, the ESA advises you monitor the situation for any changes through local ACT media outlets, the ACT Emergency Services Agency website www.esa.act.gov.au or by calling Canberra Connect on 13 22 81.
To find out more about Total Fire Bans log on to the ACT Emergency Services Agency website www.esa.act.gov.au or call Canberra Connect on 13 22 81.