The ACT Government is advising motorists and other road users to take care on roads across the ACT, particularly rural roads, unsealed roads and level crossings, with inclement weather predicted from today and into the weekend.
If the predicted windy and cold weather occurs, it is possible a number of rural roads could be affected in the ACT and in alpine areas, along with some unsealed reserve and forestry roads such as fire trails and management roads.
The public are asked to check TCCS twitter or the website for updates. Further information on exact closures on roads and crossings will be issued as it becomes available. Signage will be erected to advise motorists of conditions in certain areas if required.
Motorists are asked to slow down on roads across the ACT, drive to weather conditions and take special care on unsealed roads. Do not drive through flooded low level crossings.
For your own safety please obey all directions from traffic management staff and signage.
Further updates will be provided.
For up-to-date information on road closures please visit or call Access Canberra on 13 22 81.