ACT Policing Traffic Operations apprehended two high range drink-drivers – one female and one male – in Canberra over the weekend (May 16-17).
The first was a 19-year-old Jerrabomberra woman, who is a holder of a NSW Provisional driver licence. The woman was stopped as she drove out of city carpark around 5.49am on Saturday, with two passengers on board. She was stopped by police in Braddon and returned a breath analysis result of 0.169 grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath.
The second incident also occurred on Saturday at around 9.30am in Nicholls, where police observed a car that had stopped within a lane travelling north on Kelleway Avenue. The driver was a 36-year-old Melba man who identified as a disqualified driver, and was subject to a warrant for arrest. Police conducted a roadside screening test for alcohol, which indicated positive. He was later conveyed to City Police Station where a breath analysis returned a result of 0.211.
The man was charged with a total of five offences.
These apprehensions offer a timely reminder that alcohol and drug-impaired driving is being targeted this month, as part of our multi-agency road safety strategy. ACT Policing also wish to highlight the message ‘You are not OK the next day’. Drivers should be mindful a night on the town, drinking combined with a lack of sleep, results in driver impairment the next day.