Parts of Gungahlin need to make the switch to the National Broadband Network (NBN) before it’s too late.
The first 2,400 families and business owners connected to the NBN in the ACT have less than six months to make the switch and start experiencing the benefits of fast broadband.*
Around 40 per cent of premises in the disconnection area have already made the switch and NBN Co is urging the remaining premises to follow their lead.
“To avoid getting stuck in the last minute rush, which could mean you end up not having your home phone and internet services working, we’d encourage you to make the switch today,” NBN Co spokesperson Michael Tyler said today.
Home and business owners who live or work in and around the area bordered by Horse Park Drive, the Yerrabi Pond and Gungahlin Drive (see below map) have just over six months until the National Broadband Network’s (NBN) new infrastructure will replace the existing landline phone, ADSL internet and Telstra cable internet services when these services are switched off from 17 July 2014.*
“It’s important to make the switch as these existing services will no longer work after the switch off in July 2014.
“Even residents who don’t use the internet will still need to switch to the NBN if their service is being switched off and they want to keep using their landline phone.
“This includes community members with special equipment, such as medical and security alarms which are connected to a landline phone.**
“All you need to do is get in contact with your preferred phone company or internet provider,” Mr Tyler said.
A list of service providers can be found at:

* Services not replaced by the NBN include TransACT, OptiComm, some Telstra Velocity services and others. For a full list please visit or call us on 1800 687 626. Optus cable internet services may also be switched off on a different date and existing customers will be advised separately.
** Residents and businesses who have special equipment that connects over a phone line, such as a monitored security or fire alarm, EFTPOS machine, lift phone or medical monitoring device, should contact the supplier of the device or monitoring service for further advice on what needs to be done for it to work over the NBN. For more information visit