With half of all collisions on ACT roads occurring at intersections, ACT Policing will focus on traffic control offences during the month of April as part of its multi-agency road safety strategy.
TAMS statistics show that just over half of the collisions on ACT roads occur at intersections. Of all the collisions at intersections, around one tenth results in injuries or death.
Traffic Operations Station Sergeant Rod Anderson said ACT Policing’s focus on traffic controls during the month of April was aimed at providing a safer environment for road users.
“Failure by a motorist to obey traffic controls is an over-represented factor in collisions that result in serious injuries or fatalities. Road safety is everyone’s responsibility, so it’s paramount that motorists heed and obey traffic rules to ensure the safety of all those traveling on our roads,” Sergeant Anderson said.
Sergeant Anderson said it is important for drivers to know the road rules and not be fooled by common ‘myths’.
“Some motorists may think that it’s okay to run a red light as long as the light was yellow when they entered the intersection – this is a myth. Some road users may think that it’s okay to drive through an intersection controlled by a stop sign without actually stopping – this is a myth.”
“Disregarding traffic controls can lead to a serious or fatal collision – that is fact,” Sergeant Anderson said.
Fines for different traffic control offences range from a minimum of $203 and the loss of two demerit points to $340 and the loss of three demerit points for each offence.