Minister for Housing, Shane Rattenbury, today launched construction on an innovative supported accommodation facility that will allow people with a disability to live with greater independence through the provision of appropriate housing and support.
“Through this collaborative partnership between the Commonwealth and ACT Governments and CatholicCare Canberra and Goulburn, nine supported accommodation properties will be constructed in Canberra’s suburb of Casey as part of the Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund,” said Mr Rattenbury.
“Three of the homes will be used primarily for adults with severe or profound disability in need of supported accommodation, with the remaining six places to provide a range of supported accommodation for people with less complex needs.
“Once complete, all nine properties will be utilised by CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn’s disability support programs.
“The $3.88 million project will achieve a minimum six star energy efficiency rating and a Platinum rating under the Liveable Housing Design Guidelines, allowing homes to be adapted as needs change over time.
“In late 2011 CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn approached Housing ACT and Disability ACT to seek support for a submission to the Commonwealth Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund (SAIF).
“SAIF promotes innovation in design and delivery of supported accommodation services to people with disability and encourages partnerships both within the disability sector and in other public and private sectors on the development and delivery of innovative supported accommodation.
Construction is expected to be complete by July 2014.