ACT Policing officers fitted over 200 vehicles with tamper-proof screws during a special crime prevention program conducted in conjunction with Gungahlin Marketplace yesterday (Saturday, March 23).
During a four hour fitting operation in the Gungahlin Marketplace carpark, police re-secured the registration plates of 284 vehicles with the special one-way screws designed to reduce the prevalence of plate theft.
The theft of registration plates is often the precursor to crimes such as petrol drive-offs, burglaries and traffic offences.Members of ACT Policing’s current recruit class were involved in Project Safe Plate, as were members of Gungahlin Station, Crime Prevention and the Volunteers in Policing (VIPs).
Officer-In-Charge of Gungahlin Station, Sergeant Jeff Knight said the day’s effort was impressive, and one which hopefully will be measured in a reduced number of plate thefts in the future.
“We’re very pleased that so many members of the public support this program. Every number plate theft we can prevent has the potential to further reduce crime in the community,” Sergeant Knight said.
ACT Policing will be holding another Project Safe Plate in the next couple of months at another location within the ACT region.
Courtesy of ACT Policing.