Preparatory works ahead of laying of the rail are underway at the intersection of Nullarbor Avenue and Flemington Road from 7th May through to Monday 5th June. Road detours are in place. Pedestrians please use signalised crossings and wait at traffic island to walk across Flemington Road.
Scope of Works:
Preparatory works ahead of laying of rail need to occur within and adjacent to Nullarbor Avenue intersection on Flemington Road. This includes cutting of the existing road surface, removal of spoil, installation of new drainage and re-surfacing. Other works include installation of electrical conduits for traffic signals and traffic light footings and bases.
There will be road detours in place to divert vehicle traffic and buses at night. Traffic management will be in place and highly visible throughout the works, including signage and personnel.
Works Schedule:
All works will be carried out between 7pm to 6am on the following dates:
Every night from Sunday evening 7 May 2017 till Monday morning 5 June 2017
Additional Information:
The following equipment will be used during these works:
Road saws, excavators, vacuum excavator truck, water truck, asphalt paver, asphalt profiler and compaction equipment including roller and vibration plates There will be noise associated with this work however every effort will be made to minimize disruption to residents.
If you have any questions related to works in your local area or the wider project, please contact Canberra Metro on 1300 208824 or email[email protected]
Pedestrians signalised crossings map
Motorists detour map