Over the last couple of months we have received many messages of concern over the state of what was the land sales office in Springbank Rise. Over many months it has been vandalised and the area become a hazard to residents in Casey.
This building was sold in 2014 and the owners subsequently submitted a Development Application for alterations, additions and change of use to a child care centre. This DA was approved in August 2017.
The lessee has subsequently submitted an application for Building Approvals which once approved they indicated would commence building works not long after. Back last year the lessee did advise the ACT Government they would secure the site with fencing to prevent unlawful access or continued vandalism. This has not occurred. Despite the leaseholder committing to making the site secure and putting up fencing the ACT Government cannot force them to do it as it is not a construction site and not considered a hazard.
The ACT Government is not taking any further action as they do not deem the site to be considered a ‘dirty block’ by their definitions. This is despite their being debris, broken glass surrounding the site including in the pond. This site is also only metres away from a playground and a boardwalk surrounding the pond is right next to this building. There is also the environmental issues of the broken glass and other debris and litter ending up in the pond.
I have also reported on numerous occasions a water leak which is a slip hazard which has gone unattended for months. This will be a substantial water bill for the leaseholder.
Something needs to change so that leaseholders are held to account for their properties in ensuring the community and environment is kept safe.
If you see any persons trespassing or anti-social behaviour at this site please call ACT Policing on 131 444.