ACT Policing has released its latest quarterly crime statistics for October to December 2015.
The October to December 2015 quarterly crime statistics show crime reports are down in the Inner North and Woden, comparing 2015 to 2014. The release shows overall crime reports increased by 6.5 per cent across Canberra in the same period.
ACT Policing Acting Superintendent Ministerial Policy and Performance Adrian Craft said ACT Policing remains committed to ensuring that Canberra remains the safest capital city in Australia.
“While it’s natural to see some ebbing and flowing in reports of crime, we’re pleased that the longer term trends show crime reports have not matched population growth,” A/Superintendent Craft said.
“Crime reports have remained 21 per cent lower in 2015 than 2010, despite a Canberra’s population growing about 10 per cent in the same period.”
“As our City continues to grow, we’re committed to delivering a policing service that ensures Canberra remains one of the safest cities in Australia.”
Areas which saw a decrease in 2015 were the Woden (down 4.2) and the Inner North (down 3.8). Reports increased in Weston Creek (up 36.1 per cent), Inner South (up 20.9 per cent), Gungahlin (up 8.2 per cent), Belconnen (up 8 per cent) and Tuggeranong (up 7.8 per cent). The emerging Molonglo district saw an increase from 58 reports to 181 reports; a trend which is expected to continue as the area populates.
Crime types which saw a decrease across Canberra were Other Offences, which includes weapon and drug offences (down 11.9 per cent), Robbery (down 6.1 per cent) and Sexual Assault (down 2.7 per cent). Offence types which saw an increase included Motor Vehicle Theft (up 28.5 per cent), Property damage (up 25.8 per cent), Other offences against a person (up 20.8 per cent), Theft (up 15.5 per cent), Burglary (up 11.9 per cent), Assault (up 8.1 per cent) and Homicide (up from 4 to 6 incidents)
“Crime is ever changing and we focus on remaining ready to adapt and evolve in order to meet any new challenges as they arise.”
“While we can do our part through enforcement, the support of the community is essential to reducing crime. The community plays a significant role by reporting crime to police, by reporting suspicious activity to Crime Stoppers and by taking security measures to protect their property.”
“In particular, we’d like to thank the community for their support of our Facebook and Twitter pages. The community continues to assist police in identifying offenders from CCTV images or footage, reporting information to Crime Stoppers and helping to spread crime prevention and safety messages,” A/Superintendent Craft said.
The latest quarterly crime statistics are available on the ACT Policing website; police.act.gov.au