The ACT Government today announced the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT) has decided to uphold the licences issued by the Conservator of Flora and Fauna to undertake a kangaroo conservation cull to protect biodiversity in seven local reserves.
“The outcome of the hearing supports the scientific basis that underpins the need to undertake the conservation cull of Eastern grey kangaroos in the ACT,” said Daniel Iglesias, Director, ACT Parks and Conservation. “This is the second time that ACAT has upheld this science in the last five years.
“ACAT has ruled that culling can take place in each of the seven proposed reserves and adjacent unleased land. There has been a slight reduction in numbers for five of the licences meaning the conservation cull is for up to 1244 kangaroos, rather than the original plan of 1455.
“There is a significant volume of scientific evidence which demonstrates the impact that an over-abundant kangaroo population has on other flora and fauna, including several local studies and countless national studies.
“The numbers of kangaroos to be culled have been based on scientific kangaroo counts in each location. This is then compared to what ACT Government ecologists establish as the sustainable carrying capacity for each area, taking into account the habitat requirements of grassland dependent animals and plants.
“The conservation cull is needed to maintain populations at appropriate levels to minimise impact on other flora and fauna. Ensuring that grasslands and woodlands are not overgrazed will protect threatened species and ecosystems, provide habitat for creatures such as lizards and ground-feeding birds, prevent excessive soil loss and maintain sustainable numbers of kangaroos.”
Mr Iglesias said the reserves will close again from midday on Thursday 11 July 2013 until midday on Thursday 1 August 2013 to allow the conservation cull to take place. The closures are for 24 hours per day and have been implemented to best meet operational and safety requirements.
“When the ACT Government initially announced the program the reserves were only going to be closed during the evening, however with the limited window that is available to conduct the operation we need to make the closures fulltime for the remainder of the month. While shooting will not take place during daylight hours, it may take place at dusk or dawn.
“Due to the reduction in the amount of time we now have to undertake the cull, it is highly unlikely we will achieve the quota. I would please ask any protestors to respect the closure and to respect the legal process and not do anything which could jeopardise their safety or that of our contractors. Penalties of up to $5500 apply under the Nature Conservation Act 1980 for trespassing.”
The sites to be closed for the conservation cull are Callum Brae Nature Reserve, Goorooyaroo Nature Reserve and adjacent unleased territory land, Kama Nature Reserve, Mulanggari Nature Reserve, Mt Painter Nature Reserve, Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve and The Pinnacle Nature Reserve and adjacent unleased territory land.For more information on the conservation cull please visit http://www.tams.act.gov.au/.