Earlier this month we shared a blog post to advise Gungahlin Village 2 hour parking limits enforced through automatic number plate recognition, subsequently to this we posted an update Gungahlin Village car parking update. Through our social media a number of questions have been raised which we have followed up with the centre management.
They have confirmed that the signage will be updated to reflect the time limit is 2 hours per visit and not per day.
We asked about the time difference between visits is required to be to reset the clock. We were advised that the system always looks back at the previous scan of the car park, checking which cars where there on the previous visit. The clock then starts for those cars that are scanned for the first time that day. The clock resets at the time of each entry, regardless of the time between visits.
Customers with disability permits must display their permit on their windscreen including when they are parked elsewhere in the car park if the disabled car spaces are full and it is recommended they register their vehicle with Centre Management so they are covered in those instances.
For seniors to be exempt, customers must present their Seniors Card to Centre Management to register their vehicle.
For those that have their car serviced as Kmart Tyre and Service, they have 12 parking bays and will manage this space for their customers in conjunction with Centre Management.
The number plate recognition is managed by parking services patrolling the car park periodically with a number plate recognition camera which links back to Wilson’s system.