The ACT Government has partnered with Canberra Metro consortium to build the first stage of the Canberra wide light rail network. It has been announced that work is now underway to build this first stage from Gungahlin to Civic. This includes:
- Relocation and protection of utility services in the verge and median strips;
- Installation of site fencing and safety barriers to ensure the safe movement of traffic and pedistrians around work sites;
- Construction to realign roads and intersections;
- Track-laying within the median strip and at intersections;
- Landscaping along the route and at stops.
Major construction activity will start later this year and will be completed by mid-2018, followed by final testing of the light rail vehicles with operations to commence by the end of 2018.
The ACT Government has advised that there will be minimal impact on road users, residents and businesses along the route. To manage the construction it has been broken into six work zones which will be further subdivided into smaller construction areas.
Most of the construction will be undertaken from 7am – 6pm Monday to Saturday. Major works and intersection closures will be managed closely to reduce impact to traffic whilst this work is being undertaken.