A light rail service between Gungahlin and the city centre would be well patronized according to the results of a community survey released today, with nearly 70 per cent of respondents indicating they would use this form of transport for their work commute.
“We ran this survey because we wanted to hear directly from Gungahlin residents about their needs and concerns,” Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) Vice President, Peter Elford said. “We are very pleased with the strong response we received and how passionate residents are about all Gungahlin has to offer and how we can make it even better in the future. The results will help us establish our priorities, particularly in terms of the issues we take up with the ACT Government on behalf of the community.
Over 1,300 Gungahlin residents completed the survey and there was significant consensus on a number of issues.
More than 80 per cent of respondents want the maximum height of buildings in the district limited to 10 stories; 90 per cent would like the health care centre upgraded to a nurse walk-in centre; and over three-quarters called for the light rail project to go ahead.
“The questions regarding roads and transport generated the most comments,” Mr Elford revealed. “This is not surprising when you learn that 40 per cent of Gungahlin commuters need to travel into Civic or the Northside and 90 per cent of commuters currently use their own car rather than another form of transport. There is clearly a view that light rail could be a solution to the often slow and congested commute into the city.
“Another major issue is frustration over poor road planning, in particular the fact roads are designed for duplication but not built that way when first constructed. Improved safety measures for the corner of Hibberson Street and Hinder Street would be popular and a majority of respondents would actually like Hibberson Street to be closed to traffic and made into a pedestrian mall”
Gungahlin residents would also like more recreational amenities established in the area. Entertainment services, picnic areas, playgrounds, an indoor sporting centre, a cinema, youth centre and improved services for senior citizens all ranked highly.
“The community wants to be better represented and 85 per cent of respondents were in favour of Gungahlin having its own five seat electorate,” Mr Elford said.
A full copy of the survey results are available at www.gcc.asn.au
The newest Member for Molonglo and Gungahlin resident, Meegan Fitzharris MLA has welcomed the results of the Gungahlin Community Council’s community survey.
“I welcome the result and congratulate the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) on this work. I was part of the Executive Committee of the GCC that decided to undertake this survey and am very pleased to see the high levels of input.” Ms Fitzharris said.
“These survey results show that Gungahlin residents want a government that plans for the future of our region.
“I’m pleased to see the strong support for Capital Metro from the Gungahlin community through this survey. It reflects what I am also hearing from locals; that they understand the Capital Metro project and the investments and opportunities it means for Gungahlin.”
“Importantly, it also shows the importance of light rail in generating transport mode shift with over 70% of respondents indicating they would use light rail.”
“I also note the strong community feedback about roads. I have a petition to duplicate Gundaroo Drive which has received hundreds of signatures over the weekend.”
“I went to the Gungahlin Community Council earlier this month and spoke on the top four roads priorities I have been discussing with the community and with Ministers: Gundaroo and Horse Park Drive duplications, and the intersections of Katherine Avenue and Horse Park Drive, and the Hinder Street and Hibberson Street intersection. The survey results note this intersection as a priority.”
“I campaigned strongly for a cinema in Gungahlin and will be a strong voice for ensuring the ACT Government delivers this investment.”
“I have also been very clear that I will be seeking to again represent Gungahlin residents in the ACT Legislative Assembly next term. Gungahlin residents want representation and I am here, as a Gungahlin local, to bring the Assembly to Gungahlin and Gungahlin to the Assembly.
“I also note the other results, including comments about entertainment facilities and planning heights and look forward to continuing my ongoing conversation with Gungahlin residents,” Ms Fitzharris concluded.