Last week on Wednesday and Thursday (26th & 27th September) the Gungahlin Jets Juniors held their Presentation Nights at the Gungahlin College Performing Arts Theatre.
Prior to the formalities starting, a free sausage sizzle was held for all families and players.
In a fantastic show of unity between the Seniors and the Juniors. the Jets Seniors provided the manpower for the BBQ and worked hard to keep up with the demand. A fantastic effort from the Seniors and certainly very much appreciated by the Junior Committee as well the families.
As the attached photos demonstrate and as a Gungahlin resident, it was absolutely fantastic to see the Gungahlin College and the Gungahlin Town Park being used for the benefit of the wider Gungahlin community….a great example of what this great community facility was designed for?
It was picture perfect as the sun lowered in the sky and nearly 100 kids entertained themselves in the Town Park. It just proves that if you give a bunch of kids a patch of grass and a footy they will keep themselves entertained for hours…not an X-Box or Playstation in sight!
The Gungahlin Jets Number 1 Ticket Holder and Patron, Senator the Hon Kate Lundy (Senator for the ACT, Minister for Sport, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister Assisting for Industry and Innovation) accepted an invitation to attend the event on Wednesday evening. It was great to see Senator Lundy make the effort to attend the Jets Juniors Presentation Night. The Jets Juniors President, Mr Scott Wallace conducted a light-hearted Ray Martin style interview with Senator Lundy titled “Five Minutes With Kate” which was a big hit with the audience.
The 4 major Jets Juniors Club Awards were presented to the following recipients:
Jet of the Year = Terry Evans
Volunteer of the Year = Michael Whyte
Junior Clubperson of the Year = Cam Evans Coach of the Year = Tim Caesar
Congratulations to those players who received team awards within their respective teams.
In summary it was a fantastic couple of nights in what truly is a first class facility.
Terry Evans – Gungahlin Jets Juniors