Through the initial consultation program ran through Capital Metro from 30th June to 10th August over 16,500 interactions where had with the local community and stakeholders.
There was strong support for being able to travel with bicycles and their safe storage. The online survey indicated that 44 percent of respondents would take their bike on the light rail and 25 percent of those would take their bike on light rail every day. As a consequence of this strong demand, and reflecting Canberra’s great cycling reputation, the ACT Government will seek light rail vehicles that can accommodate bicycles.
There was strong support for being able to travel with bicycles and their safe storage. The online survey indicated that 44 percent of respondents would take their bike on the light rail and 25 percent of those would take their bike on light rail every day. As a consequence of this strong demand, and reflecting Canberra’s great cycling reputation, the ACT Government will seek light rail vehicles that can accommodate bicycles.
The community also provided useful feedback on the proposed locations for stops along the route. Due to significant community support for stops at Swinden Street and Well Station Drive, these will be included in the final design ahead of stops at Owen Flats and Lysaght Street. Stops in these locations are still considered for the future and will future proof infrastructure so they could be built at a lower cost when demand increases.
A great customer experience is a high priority for Capital Metro and it is also a key focus for the community. Feedback called for a light rail service that is safe, easily accessible and interacts effectively with other modes of transport including cycling, cars and the ACTION bus network.
To view the Capital Metro early design consultation report visit www.capitalmetro.act.gov.au.