As part of the Celebrate Gungahlin festival being held on the 11th of April, My Gungahlin and Communities@Work have teamed up to bring this competition.
You are invited to submit a photo that you believe best represents Gungahlin to Celebrate Gungahlin. There will be a poll where the Gungahlin community will be invited to vote for their favourite who will win the prize.
The prize for the winner is something very different! The winner will win $500 cash prize as well as having their photograph displayed in the office of ACT’s newest MLA, Ms Meegan Fitzharris Legislative Assembly, who is also a proud Gungahlin resident. The winner will be invited to join Ms Fitzharris and Chief Minister Mr Andrew Barr for a morning tea for the unveiling of the photo in her office.
To determine the winner, polls via the My Gungahlin Facebook page will be conducted where members of the Gungahlin community will be invited to vote for their favourite photo. There will be a final poll of the top 20 photos from which the winner will be determined based on the most votes. If there is a tie on results in determining the top 20 My Gungahlin will judge the photos in the tie to determine who makes the top 20.
The top 20 photos will be displayed at the Celebrate Gungahlin festival on the 11th of April; the winner will be announced at the festival by MLA Meegan Fitzharris.
To enter you must submit a low resolution photo using the Contact Us form as part of your entry by 9pm 15th March 2015. In the message box note you are applying for the Celebrate Gungahlin photo competition. Only one entry per person. By submitting your photo you are providing permission to My Gungahlin to add your photo to a photo poll to be run via our Facebook page, print and display your photo at the Celebrate Gungahlin festival on the 11th of April if in the top 20 photos and if you are the winner to have your image copied and framed to be displayed in the Legislative Assembly office of MLA Meegan Fitzharris. Those photos in the top 20 will be asked to provide a higher resolution image to print for display at the festival and encouraged to attend for the announcement. The winner must provide a full resolution digital file to print an enlarged copy to 16″ x 20″. My Gungahlin reserves the right to rule out any photo not meeting the criteria, or which is deemed inappropriate or offensive.