Canberrans will have the chance to learn more about stage one of Transport Canberra light rail following the opening of Canberra Metro’s information stop.
From today, the community will be able to drop into the Canberra Metro consortium’s head office on Northbourne Avenue – the site of the former Canberra and Region Visitors Centre – to find out about the project and its benefits to the ACT.
Minister for Transport and City Services Meegan Fitzharris officially opened the information stop today, restating the ACT Government’s commitment to keep Canberrans informed on the progress of the project.
“Canberra Metro’s light rail information stop is another step in the continued community consultation of the light rail project,” Minister Fitzharris said.
“The stop is part of a wide range of consultation tools being utilised by the consortium, including the ongoing community and business reference groups, doorknocking, regular social media updates and industry engagement through the Canberra Business Chamber’s Light Rail Business Link Program.”
Minister Fitzharris also released new images of the Flemington Road section of light rail route, with significant landscaping.
“Flemington Road is currently very bare and stage one of light rail will bring with it more trees and landscaping, creating a grand boulevard from our northern suburbs,” Minister Fitzharris said.
“As work progresses down the transport corridor from Gungahlin to Canberra City, the information stop is expected to see more visitors coming in to enquire about the project.
“With the construction activity picking up pace in line with the project schedule, and a significant number of crews working along Northbourne Avenue and Flemington Road, the stop provides the perfect place for the community to engage directly with the experts and understand how light rail will play a central role in transforming our city.”
The Canberra Metro light rail information stop will be open from 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

Well Station Drive artists impression.

Flemington Road artists impression