Temporary Intersection Closure – Flemington Road and Sandford Street, 14 – 28 March 2018
Most light rail construction work is being carried out during day hours, however, in some circumstances, there will be some work that is required out-of-hours because it involves roads and intersection closures that must be accessible to peak and day traffic, particularly emergency service vehicles.
Scope of Works:
Traffic signal conduit works are scheduled to occur on Flemington Road at the intersection of Sandford Street from Wednesday 14 March until Wednesday 28 March 2018.
Traffic changes
There are no changes for vehicles travelling northbound and southbound on Flemington Road. However, the intersection will be closed to:
- northbound traffic turning left into and out of Sandford Street from Flemington Road; and
- southbound traffic turning right into Sandford Street from Flemington Road;
Please note:
To access Sandford Street Mitchell:
- Northbound traffic travelling along Flemington Road, towards Gungahlin, will need to turn left at Lysaght Street;
- Southbound traffic travelling along Flemington Road, towards the Federal Highway, will need to turn right at Wells Station Drive or Lysaght Street to access Sandford Street via Hoskins Street;
- Westbound traffic travelling from Morisset Rd will have no through access and will need to turn right at Flemington Road; and
- There will be road detours in place to divert traffic.
The works associated with this closure will take place during the day (7am – 6pm) but the intersection will remain closed 24/7.