Yesterday, the Canberra Liberals, announced that if elected, a Hanson led government will commit to duplicate Horse Park Drive between the Federal Highway and Mulligan’s Flat Road as well as examine further duplication of the thoroughfare, Shadow Minister for Transport Alistair Coe and Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Hanson said today.
This follows the Government’s announcement on Sunday morning they will fund this duplication in the upcoming budget. See announcement here: Horse Park Drive duplication
“As Gungahlin has grown the Barr government has moved at a snail’s pace to do anything about road infrastructure in the area. Our commitment to duplicate Horse Park Drive and scope further works recognises the huge growth with the development of new suburbs like Bonner and Forde as well as future development in places like Throsby, Moncrieff, Jacka and Taylor,” Mr Coe said.
“The Canberra Liberals will match the government’s belated financial commitment for the duplication.
“Horse Park Drive is a critical link for many Gungahlin residents who need to get to and from the City and southern suburbs via the Majura Parkway and Federal Highway/Northbourne Avenue. It becomes a serious bottleneck during peak periods.
“The ACT Labor Government should have duplicated this road years ago. Instead, they are constantly playing infrastructure catch-up,” Mr Coe concluded.
Mr Hanson continued, “Gungahlin residents can be assured that the Canberra Liberals are committed to fixing Labor’s roads mess in Gungahlin. This commitment comes on the back of our policy to duplicate Gundaroo Drive through to the Barton Highway, build a flyover of the Barton Highway roundabout and build a comprehensive bus network for all of Canberra.
“Unlike ACT Labor and the Greens who only want to service a small fraction of the population with light rail, the Canberra Liberals are committed to governing for all of Canberra. That includes building an excellent road network for the ACT,” Mr Hanson concluded.