ACT Policing’s newest quarterly crime statistics reveal a 10.5 per cent drop in crime reports across Canberra when compared with the same period last year, with Weston Creek displaying the largest reduction.
The data, released on the ACT Policing “Crime Statistics” webpage, shows the number of offences reported from January to March 2016 and allows Canberrans to see crime reported in their area.
For the 2016 March quarter, Weston Creek saw the most dramatic reduction (down 21.8 per cent), followed by Tuggeranong (down 20.6 per cent), Belconnen (down 17.9 per cent), Woden (down 17.7 per cent) and Inner North (down 17.5 per cent) when compared with the same quarter last year (excluding statistics for traffic infringement notices and collisions).
Over the quarter, three districts saw an increase in crime reports including Inner South (up 12 per cent), Gungahlin (up 32 per cent) and the Molonglo District which saw an increase of 82.9 per cent, equating to a rise in the number of reports from 35 to 64.
While there has been an increase in these suburbs this quarter, it is not unusual as these areas continue to populate and expand.
Crime report types across the ACT which saw the greatest decline when comparing the 2016 March quarter to the same quarter last year included Robbery (down 39 per cent), Motor Vehicle Theft (down 38 per cent), Sexual Assault (down 23.8 per cent), and Property Damage (down 7.6 per cent).
Reports of Assault saw an increase of 20 per cent and reports of Burglary increased by 11.5 per cent across the ACT.
While some crime types indicate a notable change, ACT Policing is satisfied that the message to report any suspicious behaviour, no matter how small, is resonating with the community. This is supported by the rise of reports of ‘Other offences against a person’ from 25 to 78. This offence includes, but is not limited to, acts intended to threaten or harass which is often under reported.
Acting Superintendent of ACT Policing’s Ministerial Policy and Performance Craig McPherson said it’s encouraging to see that overall, crime has decreased across Canberra.
“The community should be commended as they play a significant role in reducing crime in our community, by undertaking simple preventative measures such as safeguarding their homes and vehicles, and actively reporting suspicious behaviour to police and Crime Stoppers.”
“The information that emerges from the crime statistic data assists us to identify and understand emerging crime trends across Canberra. This is important to ensure that ACT Policing is ready to quickly adapt and respond to ever-changing priorities and meet any new challenges which may arise,” Acting Superintendent McPherson said.