The ACT Government will be introducing an interim bus service to the suburb of Moncrieff at this time. Expanded services to Moncrieff and northern Gungahlin will be introduced with the commencement of the New Rapid Network.
The services will operate seven-days a week within the network currently in place, connecting the suburb of Moncrieff, the Amaroo Shops and the Gungahlin Town Centre.
Whilst there will be no dedicated school service, the route has been designed to provide access to and from the Amaroo School.
There are still bus stops within Moncrieff that will not be serviced with this offering. They are in place for future growth and demand in the area.
The route in the planned network will also provide coverage to Taylor (and new North Gungahlin Primary School) as well as the Casey Shops.
Connections to the City and beyond will be available via existing Red Rapid services and connections to Belconnen and beyond will be available via existing Black Rapid services.
The bus timetable for these services will soon be available on the Transport Canberra website: