For the second year in a row, no arrests were recorded by ACT Policing in relation to the annual Summernats street machine festival held at Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC) from January 1-4.
Police maintained a high profile during the event with mobile traffic operations around the EPIC precinct, as well as the surrounding suburbs.
The number of Traffic Infringement Notices (TINS) issued by Traffic Operations during the period rose slightly to 71, compared with 67 issued during the previous year’s event. There were also 47 official Cautions issued to drivers.
Over the four-day period, mobile Traffic Operations patrols conducted 913 roadside screening tests for alcohol, with just one positive test recorded.
One vehicle was seized by police during the period.
No noise complaints from the EPIC venue were received by police.
Acting Officer in Charge of Traffic Operations Tracey Duck said that police were pleased with the general behaviour of Summernats patrons, and that the extensive planning and preparation, together with a close working relationship with the event organisers, had resulted in a good outcome considering the size of the event and the number of patrons.
“Police were briefed on a daily basis by event security about internal issues, and were always on standby to assist the security staff if and when required,” Sgt Duck said.