ACT Policing has issued a reminder to the community to properly secure unattended cars and to avoid theft by removing valuables from vehicles.
Crime Prevention Station Sergeant Daryl Neit said that the reminder comes after ACT Policing received 73 reports of theft from motor vehicles across Canberra in the past fortnight (between February 5 and 18).
“While police will continue to conduct high-visibility patrols to discourage would-be thieves, members of the public should take a few security precautions to help prevent this type of crime,” Sergeant Neit said.
“Before leaving your parked car, it’s important to take that extra minute to check that all valuables are removed, the doors and boot are locked and secure, the windows are up and sunroof closed.”
Two thirds of reported incidents between October 2013 and October 2014 showed no signs of forced entry, indicating that the vehicle had not been properly secured.
“A vehicle break-in is a fairly simple and opportunistic crime. Too often the job is made even easier for thieves when vehicles are left unsecure; unlocked or with a window open,” Sergeant Neit said.
“It’s important to remember that even when your car is locked, it’s not impenetrable. It’s not a good idea to leave valuable items in your car, such as your wallet, phone, ipads or tablets, cash, expensive cameras or sunglasses, even if it’s locked.”
Police have identified several ‘hotspots’ for incidence of vehicle break-ins, such as large open car parks, insecure residential parking and street parking near town centres including Civic, Braddon, Dickson, Belconnen, Woden, Manuka and Kingston as well as along the Northbourne Avenue corridor.
“These areas are targeted slightly more frequently during the day, when workers and shoppers leave their vehicles for long periods of time. Thefts also often occur in the evening, when vehicles are parked in the same areas while people enjoy entertainment venues and restaurants.”
“It’s not just the shopping centres; thieves have also been targeting streets and driveways in residential areas in Belconnen and Tuggeranong including Florey, Theodore, Calwell and Isabella Plains.”
ACT Policing is also encouraging the community to proactively report any suspicious behaviour around car parks, both during the day and at night.
“If anyone is seen loitering around parked cars, peering into car windows, trying handles or acting in a suspicious manner, call Police Operations on 131 444,” Sergeant Neit added.