ACT Policing’s Traffic Operations team will be focusing on the ‘Fatal Five’ for the month of August.
The ‘Fatal Five’ are the five highest contributing factors to fatal vehicle collisions on ACT roads.
These are:
- Alcohol or Drug impaired driving
- Not wearing a seatbelt
- Speeding
- Intersections
- Driver Distraction
Driving is a skill that requires your full attention to safely control your vehicle and respond to events happening on the road around you.
Acting Superintendent Traffic Operations, Nicole Levings said that driving or riding on our roads is a complex task in an environment that can change at any time without notice.
“The five factors above, contribute heavily to collisions on our roads. Some of these collisions, tragically, have fatal outcomes.”
“All road users need to take personal responsibility for safety on our roads. Steering clear of the five irresponsible behaviours is all we ask for everyone’s safety.”
“Five people have already lost their lives on our roads this year. That is five too many,” Acting Superintendent Levings said.