We recently shared the news of Road opening creates better access to Gungahlin Town Centre which was Manning Clark Crescent from Flemington Road to Anthony Rolfe Avenue. This is to encourage the use of Anthony Rolfe Avenue as a ring road around the town centre as well as The Valley Avenue to the south.
To encourage traffic to travel down these roads the Government must make improvements to make it free flowing to Gundaroo Drive and Mirrabei Drive. This includes duplicating it from Manning Clark Crescent to Gundaroo Drive. With the impending changes along Hibberson Street and Gungahlin place it is important this is done sooner rather that later before the town centre becomes grid locked.
The other area that needs urgent attention is the parking along Anthony Rolfe Avenue. Along Anthony Rolfe are a number of small businesses that provide a range of products and services. All these businesses naturally have clients visiting them all day for varying lengths of time. We need these businesses to do well not only for the products and services they provide but also the employment they bring to Gungahlin.
The parking along Anthony Rolfe Avenue just is not sufficient as evidenced by the amount of cars parking not only on the medians strips including the centre one.

Along with the duplication of Anthony Rolfe Avenue we would like to see the parking addressed as well. Between Gozzard Street and Boreham Lane there is a slip lane with kerbside parking. Changing this to 45 degree parking would provide additional parking spaces. The same can be changed for the slip lane between Mawby Street and Tesselaar Steet. A similar slip lane with 45 degree parking could be implemented between Donnelly Lane and Mawby Street.
These upgrades will provide the benefit of better flowing traffic, provides better parking options for the local businesses and will stop people parking illegally and dangerously on these medians.