The ACT Government has advised that road work on the southern part of the Horse Park Drive intersection with Anthony Rolfe Avenue started this week. The location is shown in red on the map below.
Anthony Rolfe Avenue will remain open to traffic during this work. However, traffic changes will include a reduced speed limit, minor realignment of traffic lanes and the occasional redirection of traffic around work areas. The work is expected to take up to three months to complete (weather dependent).
Construction work will be managed to minimise impacts on motorists and local residents. This includes restricting work that could impact on traffic to non-peak periods. However, drivers and cyclists may experience some delays during this work and we thank you for your patience.
Update on Horse Park Drive duplication
Work on the first stage of the $22.4 million Horse Park Drive upgrade and the improvements to the Anthony Rolfe Avenue intersection is progressing well and is on target for completion by mid-2016.
The improvements to this intersection will deliver:
- two through lanes in each direction on Horse Park Drive
- access from Horse Park Drive and Anthony Rolfe Avenue into the new suburb of Throsby
- left-turn slip lanes on all intersection approaches
- signal-controlled pedestrian crossings.
Stage two of the Horse Park Drive upgrade project – the duplication of Horse Park Drive between Anthony Rolfe Avenue and Well Station Drive and the upgrade of Mapleton Avenue and Well Station Drive intersections – is expected to start in late February and finish by mid-2017. The upgrade of Horse Park Drive will improve safety and traffic flow and provide better access to nearby suburbs, including Gungahlin, Harrison and Throsby. This work coincides with construction of Throsby, which started in October 2015.
Horse Park Drive – Duplication to the Federal Highway and Mulligans Flat Road
Some residents have asked about the full duplication of Horse Park Drive. This work is underway.
In the 2015/16 ACT Budget the Government allocated $1 million to design the duplication of Horse Park Drive from the Federal Highway to Well Station Drive and from Anthony Rolfe Avenue to Mulligans Flat Road. Design of the duplication of the remaining sections of Horse Park Drive is being progressed to ease congestion for residents.
Following this design work, the ACT Government will make funding decisions about the next stages of the Horse Park Drive duplication as part of the capital works budget processes.
Other projects
Other road projects in the Gungahlin area include:
- the extensions of The Valley Avenue and Manning Clark Crescent on the eastern side of Gungahlin Town Centre and Franklin
- upgrading the Barton Highway/Gundaroo Drive/William Slim Drive intersection
- Gundaroo Drive duplication from Gunghalin Drive to Anthony Rolfe Avenue/Mirrabei Drive
- widening work on Gungahlin Drive southbound from north of Sandford Street through to the Barton Highway.
Whilst these road works are occurring please drive carefully, obey the speed limit and follow traffic management and detour signs.
ACT Government representatives will host drop-in information sessions outside the Gungahlin Marketplace for anyone interested in finding out more about Gungahlin’s road projects:
- Thursday 17 March, 5pm – 7pm
- Friday 18 March, 10am-12pm
For more information about this project visit
If you would like to join the Horse Park Drive upgrade email list, please email [email protected]