Thursday and Friday last week, the government including MLAs Meegan Fitzharris and Jayson Hinder, TAMS, ACTION and Capital Metro held a drop in session at Gungahlin Market place. They had on hand updates and information about current and planned roads projects in Gungahlin.
Duplication of a segment of Gundaroo Drive between Mirrabei Drive and Gungahlin Drive has begun. This is due for completion early 2017. Duplication from Gungahlin Drive to Barton Highway remains a future intention, though is not yet funded, so no timeline is known.
Horsepark Drive is a major bottleneck in Gungahlin and a section is scheduled to be duplicated along with the development of Throsby, from Anthony Rolfe Avenue to Well Station Drive. This will include upgrades of two existing sets of traffic lights, and one additional set at Mapleton Avenue. As we all know, this leaves a section between Well Station Drive and the Federal Highway as a single lane. This section of road is TAMS’ top priority for future funding, though it remains unfunded so far.
The Barton Highway roundabout is coming along well, and is on track to be finished and operational in August. The next major milestone will be building the pedestrian bridge on the Gold Creek side of Barton Highway to allow using the current pedestrian path as a third lane for cars. In the meantime, the slip lane going from Gundaroo Drive on to the Barton Highway towards Civic could be open in the next 6-8 weeks.
Gungahlin Drive is being widened, with the addition of another southbound lane from just north of Sanford Street through to Barton Highway. This work has been under way for some time and expected to be complete by July.
The environmental impact assessment on the proposed Nurdurr Drive extension site is almost finished and should be published in the next 4 weeks. It appears that the assessment is positive, and I understand should clear the way to proceed with this extension. The Nurdurr Drive extension is not currently budgeted at all, though with the assessment finalised, it may happen sooner than expected.
More information can be found on TAMS website:

Photo thanks to Minister Meegan Fitzharris
Written by David Pollard – Crace Community Association
The views and opinions expressed in this post are soley those of the original author. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of My Gungahlin.
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