Following community consultation earlier in 2016, the design for the duplication of sections of Gungahlin’s Horse Park Drive has been improved and the ACT Government is extending the design work through to Katherine Avenue north.
“Following the good progress on the first stage of construction on the Horse Park Drive duplication between Well Station Drive and Anthony Rolfe Avenue, I am pleased to announce that the design for the next stages has been finalised and the extension of the duplication works to Katherine Avenue north is being explored,” said Minister for Transport and City Services Meegan Fitzharris.
“Horse Park Drive will be duplicated between the Federal Highway and Mulligans Flat Road, with completion due in mid-2018. The next stage of work is expected to commence in late 2016 between Anthony Rolfe Avenue and Mulligans Flat Road and work on this section is currently out to tender.
“Key themes identified by the community for this section of Horse Park Drive during consultation include traffic noise and the arrangements at the Francis Forde Boulevard intersection. The design has been amended to respond to these issues based on further noise and traffic investigations.
“The intersection of Horse Park Drive and Francis Forde Boulevard will be signalised to make it easier and safer for traffic to enter and exit the suburb of Forde at this intersection.
“The median between Gundaroo Drive and Katherine Avenue has also been narrowed to minimise the impact on adjacent landscaping and residents.
“Other measures will include additional landscaping including mature plants to improve the visual amenity in this area.
“Improvements have also been made to the design between the Federal Highway and Well Station Drive. These include changes to the shared use path, which will now run parallel to the southern side of the road connecting with the traffic signals at Well Station Drive. A new path will also be included, connecting Well Station Drive to Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve.
“Horse Park Drive is a key access road for the Gungahlin region which is currently used by nearly 18,000 vehicles each day. This upgrade will significantly increase traffic capacity on this section of road and reduce the congestion currently experienced in the morning and afternoon peak periods,” Minister Fitzharris concluded.
The Canberra Liberals have committed to duplicating Horse Park Drive further along to Mirrabei Drive. See this post Canberra Liberals commit to Duplicate Horse Park Drive. We would like to see a commitment from both parties that Horse Park Drive will be fulling duplicated within two years noting Taylor is now being developed which will increase traffic on this major road.