Canberra-based development company the KDN Group has been chosen as the successful tenderer to build the new ACT Government Office Block in Gungahlin.
The office block will be built on the corner of The Valley Avenue and Gungahlin Place in the Gungahlin town centre. The office block will be a great addition for Gungahlin, bringing more people and economic activity to the town centre.
The KDN Group was chosen after a rigorous evaluation of the five high quality submissions received by the ACT Government and negotiations are now under way to finalise contract details.
The government will enter into a 15 year lease agreement with KDN.
Accommodating at least 500 Shared Services staff, the office block will be built to a high environmental standard with a minimum 4.5 star NABERS rating and provide A-Grade accommodation.
An ACT Government shopfront, a cafe, and a 90-place child care centre will also be incorporated in the development.
KDN has assembled a world-class team which includes Lend Lease, Jones Lang LaSalle, AECOM and Williams Boag Architects; and their tender addressed all aspects of the Government’s criteria. The criteria included:
- a minimum 4.5 star energy efficiency rating,
- meeting the Property Council of Australia A-grade building rating,
- open spaces and access to public amenities including an Canberra Connect shopfront, cafe, and other ground floor public facilities,
- an on-site childcare centre catering for a minimum of 90 children,
- achieving a balance between physical and online interface with the community,
- maximisation of natural light and views to the working areas, and
- meeting the Government’s schedule for minimum size and numbers of occupants.
Construction is expected to start in mid 2013 and be complete in the 2014-15 financial year.