A number of Mitchell businesses and visitors have contacted the GCC to complain about the closure of the public toilet block located on Heffernan Street, Mitchell. A sign has been placed on the locked structure by TAMS directing frustrated users to Gozzard Street in Gungahlin.
This is at least 5 kms away in a different district and completely diffuses the purpose of shopping or seeking business in Mitchell as it diverts custom away from the area.
No alternative public toilet sites have been identified for Mitchell yet the suburb is substantial in size with a growing variety of businesses. The GCC questions the validity of the decision to close this facility.
GCC spokesman James Milligan is appalled that the closure has taken place without any apparent consultation with local businesses or with the Gungahlin Community Council. To GCC’s knowledge no advice has been provided to patrons of Mitchell businesses about intentions to close the amenity.
GCC would like to see evidence of any efforts to consult with local businesses to determine whether alternative sites are available in Mitchell and whether there are sufficient facilities available to the public in Mitchell.
Contact: James Milligan Communications Director GCC 0418 599 167
!5 October 2014.