ACT Policing officers impounded two cars on Monday night (15 June) after they were caught street racing in Gungahlin.
Around 8pm, officers from Gungahlin General Duties were patrolling along Gungahlin Drive when they approached the intersection with Gundaroo Drive. At the intersection the officers saw a white Nissan Skyline and a blue Subaru WRX. At this time, the white Nissan Skyline conducted a burnout and both the Nissan and Subaru accelerated heavily away from the intersection at matching speed.
Police followed both cars and conducted a traffic stop on Kosciusko Ave, Palmerston. The drivers, a 19-year-old Monash man and a 18-year-old Wanniassa man were identified as provisional licence holders.
Police seized both vehicles and the men will received a summons to appear in the ACT Magistrates Court at a later date.
Acting Superintendent Susie Ball said this driving behavior is unacceptable and this is a timely reminder that police do have the power to impound vehicles that perform burnouts and street race on public roads. Police are aware of other locations such as the back streets of Hume where drivers drive in this manner. Police will randomly target these areas and impound further vehicles if necessary.
“Police will not tolerate this sort of driving behaviour, it’s dangerous and unnecessary. If people witness this type of behaviour we would encourage them to report the matter to police. Remembering details such as make and model and the registration details of the vehicle are important and assists us with any investigation” Acting Superintendent Ball said.
Police are urging anyone that may have witnessed the burnout performed by the white Nissan Skyline and the subsequent street race with the blue WRX near the intersection of Gungahlin and Gundaroo Drive to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or via https://act.crimestoppers.com.au. Information can be provided anonymously.