As you may be aware, the ACT Government has invested $22.4 million to upgrade Horse Park Drive between its intersections with Anthony Rolfe Avenue and Well Station Drive. This major investment in Canberra’s transport infrastructure includes duplication of Horse Park Drive and improvements to the Anthony Rolfe Avenue, Mapleton Avenue and Well Station Drive intersections (see map below).
The upgrade will improve safety and traffic flow and provide better access to nearby suburbs, including Harrison, Gungahlin and the new suburb of Throsby. The work is occurring in two stages. Construction on stage one started in October 2015 and expected to finish by mid 2016. Stage two work will start in mid- February 2016 and is anticipated to finish by mid-2017.
The upgrade includes:
- Duplication of Horse Park Drive to provide two through lanes in each direction
- an upgrade to Mapleton Avenue and Well Station Drive intersections including improved pedestrian facilities
- a new shared-use path on the Throsby side of Horse Park Drive between Anthony Rolfe Avenue and Well Station Road
- a pedestrian and cycle underpass linking Throsby with Harrison
- on-road cycle lanes.
Construction work will be managed to minimise impacts on motorists and local residents, though drivers and cyclists may experience some delays:
- most of the work will occur beside the existing road
- any work that could affect traffic will be done during non-peak periods; and
- dust management (including the use of water trucks) will minimise dust.
The Horse Park Drive upgrade coincides with construction of Throsby Estate, which also started in October 2015. Other road projects are also occurring in the Gungahlin area including the extensions of The Valley Avenue and Manning Clark Crescent, upgrade of the intersection of the Barton Highway and Gundaroo Drive/William Slim Drive, Gundaroo Drive duplication and widening work on Gungahlin Drive southbound. Thank you for your patience during this work. We remind motorists to drive carefully, obey the speed limit and follow traffic management and detour signs.
For more information visit If you would like to join the Horse Park Drive Upgrade email list, please email [email protected] or call 13 22 81.