The ACT Government wishes to advise road users that a 40 kilometre per hour speed limit will be introduced this week on the approaches to the Barton Highway/Gundaroo Drive/ William Slim Drive roundabout. The reduced speed limit will be in place for the duration of construction on the intersection upgrade.
The project will construct an additional lane on each approach to the roundabout as well as through it and will also introduce traffic signals to the intersection. Works are expected to be completed in November 2016.
Initial works will be undertaken in the verges, medians and the centre of the roundabout, where road barriers will be installed to undertake the work safely.
Two lanes will be maintained on each approach to the roundabout during peak periods throughout construction.
Gungahlin residents will be kept up-to-date throughout construction with electronic road signage, website information and social media posts.
For more information on the project please visit the TAMS website at www.tams.act.gov.au where up-to-date traffic advice will be available. You can also receive updates by following TAMS on Twitter @tamsmediaroom.